Welcome to Carthian Dreams, a series of novels in the high-fantasy genre.
UPDATE 1/1/2025
Apologies for not updating this site in quite a long time. For new
folks: I was using this site to publish my first fantasy novel in serial format, a
chapter at a time. As I decided to massively edit and change the book, I
pulled those chapters back down. Real life
brought many changes, and I went for over a year without updating this site, but in book news, I'm happy to say that I
completed not merely one book, but two! The book I was working on I
decided will take place later in the series, and will most likely stand
as Book Four. I also wrote the book that will stand as the new Book One, a
story that I feel is more accessible
and serves as a better introduction to my fantasy world. I'm
currently in the process of getting that book published, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, I've decided to no longer use this site to collect the chapters of my novels in progress, but instead to serve as a repository for other fiction I've written. I've collected some short stories I've written over the last several years here. You can navigate through them using the table of contents at the upper-right of this page. As more information comes available about the publishing of my books, I'll share that on this site as well, however if you'd like to stay up to date with all of my writing, I do recommend following my tumblr where I'm much better about updating things. On Tumblr I am using a "carthian dreams" tag to set apart any posts related to my writing, so this is a good link for those sorts of updates:
you would rather follow me elsewhere, you can find the compiled links to all of my presences online at https://linktr.ee/adddragon. Most of these places deal more with gaming, politics, music, and
other topics, though I do sometimes speak about my writing there as well.
Feedback, comments or general correspondence can be directed to dexeron@yahoo.com.
Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy my writing!